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中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (01) : 25 -29. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3946.2018.01.010

所属专题: 经典病例 文献


李世拥1,(), 陈纲1, 杜峻峰1, 崔伟1, 陈光1, 左富义1, 魏晓军1, 东星1, 季锡清1, 袁强1, 孙亮1   
  1. 1. 100700 陆军总医院普通外科
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-25 出版日期:2018-02-26
  • 通信作者: 李世拥

Laparoscopic radical resection of low rectal cancer with telescopic anastomosis through transanal resection without abdominal incisions, report of 102 cases

Shiyong Li1,(), Gang Chen1, Junfeng Du1, Wei Cui1, Guang Chen1, Fuyi Zuo1, Xiaojun Wei1, Xing Dong1, Xiqing Ji1, Qiang Yuan1, Liang Sun1   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, PLA Army General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
  • Received:2017-05-25 Published:2018-02-26
  • Corresponding author: Shiyong Li
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Li Shiyong, Email:
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Fund of China(30772118, 30471700, 81041025)

李世拥, 陈纲, 杜峻峰, 崔伟, 陈光, 左富义, 魏晓军, 东星, 季锡清, 袁强, 孙亮. 腹腔镜低位直肠癌根治腹部无切口经肛切除套入式吻合102例经验[J/OL]. 中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版), 2018, 12(01): 25-29.

Shiyong Li, Gang Chen, Junfeng Du, Wei Cui, Guang Chen, Fuyi Zuo, Xiaojun Wei, Xing Dong, Xiqing Ji, Qiang Yuan, Liang Sun. Laparoscopic radical resection of low rectal cancer with telescopic anastomosis through transanal resection without abdominal incisions, report of 102 cases[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Operative Procedures of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2018, 12(01): 25-29.




从2010年3月至2017年12月对102例低位直肠癌行腹腔镜下根治经肛门切除行套入式吻合保肛术,男43例,女59例。年龄36~81岁(平均59.6岁)。肿瘤距肛缘5~7 cm 85例,4 cm 17例,术前评估T1N0M0 79例,T2N0M0 23例。采用中间入路用超声刀沿乙状结肠系膜根部游离并裸化肠系膜下动静脉根部后,施夹并切断。按TME原则,游离直肠至肛管直肠环达肿瘤远端3~5 cm。会阴部手术距齿状线上2 cm处环型切开,沿黏膜下锐性向上剥离至提肛肌平面切断直肠,将直肠及远端乙状结肠一并从肛门移出体外切除,行套入式近端结肠全层与直肠黏膜及肠黏膜下吻合。


本组102例,手术平均时间为179 min,平均检出淋巴结13枚,术后发生吻合口漏3例(2.9%)行临时结肠造口,3个月后还纳愈合。吻合口狭窄2例(1.9%),经扩张后狭窄解除。术后病理为T1~T2N0M0 49例,T2N1M0 53例。术后12个月肛门功能,Kirwan分级1级占94.1%,肛门功能基本恢复到正常。术后随访6~84月,平均45个月,局部肿瘤复发4例(3.9%),生存满3年以上67例。




To investigate the safety, feasibility and clinical outcome of laparoscopic radical resection of low rectal cancer with telescopic anastomosis through transanal resection without abdominal incisions.


From Mar 2010 to Dec 2017, 102 patients with low rectal cancers, including 43 males and 59 females with an average age of 59.6 years (ranging from 36 to 81 years) underwent laparoscopic radical resection of low rectal cancer with telescopic anastomosis through transanal resection without abdominal incisions. The distance between the anus and inferior margin of the tumor ranged from 5 cm to 7 cm (85 cases) and 4 cm (23 cases). TNM staging showed that 79 patients had cT1N0M0 staging, 23 had cT2N0M0 staging. Through the middle approach, the sigmoid mesentery was freed at the root with an ultrasonic scalpel, and the inferior mesenteric artery and vein was clamped and cut. Following the total mesorectal excision (TME) principle, the rectum was dissected to the anorectal ring and 3-5 cm from the distal end of the tumor. The electric knife was used to cut open the mucosa 1.5-2.0 cm above the dentate line. Sharp dissection was performed along the rectal mucosa, upwards, to peel off the rectal mucosa for 2-4 cm, to reach the levator ani muscles, and the rectum was cut circularly. The rectal tumor and distal sigmoid colon were removed from the anus together, then telescopic anastomosis of proximal sigmoid colon and the distal colon and rectal muscle sheath were performed.


All of 102 patients received successful laparoscopic surgery without conversion. The average operation time was 179 min and the average harvested lymph nodes was 13. There were 3 cases (2.9%) of stoma leakage, who were cured by temporary colostomy and closure of the stoma 3 months later. The postoperative follow-up ranged from 6 to 84 months (average of 45 months), with 2 cases (1.9%) of stoma stenosis who received expansion treatment. Postoperative pathological results showed that 49 patients had pT1-2N0M0 staging, 53 had pT2N1M0 staging. Twelve months after surgery, 94.1% patients achieved anal function Kirwan grade 1, indicating that their anal function returned to normal. There were 4 cases (3.9%) of local recurrence within 3 years after surgery, with 100% 3-years-survival.


Laparoscopic radical resection of low rectal cancer with telescopic anastomosis through transanal resection without abdominal incisions is safe, reliable and mini-invasive, without incision and scar on the abdominal wall with satisfactory clinical outcome.

图2 保护左侧输尿管
图4 于膜下动静脉根部施夹并切断
图6 切断左侧直肠恻韧带
图8 向下游离并达肿瘤远端3~5 cm并裸化肠管
示意图1~2 套入式结肠全层与残留直肠黏膜及黏膜下层吻合示意图
图10 齿状线上1.0 cm处行黏膜下注射1∶10 000肾上腺素生理盐水一环周,使黏膜下明显隆起
图12 沿直肠黏膜下锐性游离向上锐性潜行剥离直肠黏膜长约2~4 cm
图14 距肿瘤约10 cm近心端切断乙状结肠,将近端结肠由直肠拖出肛门外
图16 残留直肠肌层与结肠浆肌层缝合
图18 打结固定,达到减张、固定双重作用
图20 肛管内填塞凡士林油纱布一块起支撑作用,拆除挂钩牵开器
图22 腹部仅留有4个0.5~1.0 cm小戳孔
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