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中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 663 -666. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3946.2024.06.019


王兴1, 文阳辉1, 姚戈冰1, 郭平学1, 杨自华1,()   
  1. 1. 710038 西安,西安医学院第二附属医院肝胆外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-05 出版日期:2024-12-26
  • 通信作者: 杨自华

Clinical application of ICG fluorescence laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Xing Wang1, Yanghui Wen1, Gebing Yao1, Pingxue Guo1, Zihua Yang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Hepatobiliary, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical College, Xi’an Shaanxi Province 710038, China
  • Received:2024-01-05 Published:2024-12-26
  • Corresponding author: Zihua Yang
  • Supported by:
    Shaanxi Province Key R&D Program Project(2021SF-093)

王兴, 文阳辉, 姚戈冰, 郭平学, 杨自华. ICG荧光腹腔镜下胆囊切除术的临床应用[J]. 中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 663-666.

Xing Wang, Yanghui Wen, Gebing Yao, Pingxue Guo, Zihua Yang. Clinical application of ICG fluorescence laparoscopic cholecystectomy[J]. Chinese Journal of Operative Procedures of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 663-666.






ICG组第一次探查到胆总管、肝总管,胆囊管均高于常规组[(69.1% vs. 26.8%,59.5% vs. 31.7%),P<0.05];ICG组完全解剖后探查到胆总管、肝总管高于常规组[(90.5% vs. 68.3%,90.5% vs. 85.4%),P<0.05];ICG组患者术中出血量、手术时间、胆囊三角完全解剖所需时间、术后住院时间、胃肠功能恢复时间均短于常规组(P<0.05),两组患者术中胆管损伤率和术后并发症发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。




To investigate the effect of indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging guided laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) on patients with gallstones and cholecystitis.


83 patients with gallstones and cholecystitis who underwent LC from January 2021 to January 2023 were prospectively included as study subjects. They were divided into ICG group (n=42 cases) and conventional group (n=41 cases) by random number table method. The conventional group was treated with LC, and the ICG group was treated with LC guided by ICG fluorescence imaging. Data were analyzed by SPSS27.0, measurement data such as perioperative indicators were described by (), and independent sample t test was used. The statistical data of postoperative complications were expressed with [cases (%)] and Chi-square test was performed. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.


The first detection of common bile duct, hepatic duct and gallbladder duct in ICG group was higher than that in conventional group [(69.1% vs. 26.8%, 59.5% vs. 31.7%), P<0.05]. After complete dissection, the common bile duct and hepatic duct in ICG group were higher than those in conventional group [(90.5% vs. 68.3%, 90.5% vs. 85.4%), P<0.05]. The amount of intraoperative blood loss, operation time, total dissection time of gallbladder triangle, postoperative hospitalization time and gastrointestinal function recovery time in ICG group were all shorter than those in conventional group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the rate of intraoperative bile duct injury and postoperative complications between the two groups (P>0.05).


ICG fluorescence imaging guided laparoscopic cholecystectomy can reduce immune damage, improve the exploration rate of common bile duct, hepatic duct and gallbladder duct, and reduce intraoperative blood loss.

表1 两组患者一般资料比较
表2 两组患者术中探查情况比较[例(%)]
表3 两组患者临床指标比较
表4 两组患者术后并发症比较[例(%)]
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