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中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (04) : 354 -357. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3946.2019.04.011

所属专题: 文献


  1. 1. 400016 重庆,陆军特色医学中心肝胆外科
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-23 出版日期:2019-08-26
  • 通信作者: 梁先春

Short-term efficacyvand Long-term prognosis of patients with portal vein-involved pancreatic cancer after radical resection

XianChun Liang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of hepatobiliary surgery, Army characteristic medical center, Chongqing 400016, China
  • Received:2018-08-23 Published:2019-08-26
  • Corresponding author: XianChun Liang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Liang XianChun, Email:

梁先春. 静脉切除对门静脉受累胰腺癌根治术患者近期疗效及远期预后的影响[J/OL]. 中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(04): 354-357.

XianChun Liang. Short-term efficacyvand Long-term prognosis of patients with portal vein-involved pancreatic cancer after radical resection[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Operative Procedures of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(04): 354-357.










Investigate the short-term efficacy and long-term prognosis of patients with portal vein-involved pancreatic cancer after radical resection.


From July 2012 to October 2015, retrospective analysis of 85 cases of portal vein-involved pancreatic cancer were performed, including 45 cases in combined group and 40 cases in conventional group according to surgical treatments. Briefly, patients in the combined group received radical pancreatic cancer resection combined with portal vein resection, while the conventional group received palliative bypass surgery. The operation condition, short-term therapeutic effect, incidence of complications and survival rate of patients in two groups were compared, and the quality of life of patients were evaluated in both two groups before and after surgery. Statistical analysis were performed by using SPSS 21.0 software. Measurement data, such as quality of life indicators were expressed as(±s), and were examined by using independent t test. Count data such as therapeutic effects were examined by chi square test. A P value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant difference.


There were no significant difference between two groups in terms of operative time and incidence of complications (P>0.05). Intraoperative bleeding volume and portal vein occlusion time in the combined group were significantly more than those in the conventional group respectively (P<0.05). The effective rate of the combined group(93.3%) was significantly higher than that in the conventional group(77.5%) (P<0.05). The 1-year recurrence-free survival rate and 1-year survival rate of the combined group were significantly better than those of the conventional group respectively (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of 3-year recurrence-free survival rate and 3-year survival rate (P>0.05). After treatment, the quality of life scores of both groups were significantly improved, and the combined group was significantly better than the conventional group (P<0.05).


Portal vein resection combined with radical pancreatic cancer resection in treatment of pancreatic cancer with portal vein involvement could effectively relieve clinical symptoms and could improve the quality of life, with fewer complications and better short-term effect.

表1 85例门静脉受累胰腺癌患者不同术式两组患者的基本资料比较[(±s),例]
表2 85例门静脉受累胰腺癌患者不同术式两组患者手术情况比较(±s)
表3 85例门静脉受累胰腺癌患者不同术式两组近期治疗效果比较[例(%)]
表4 85例门静脉受累胰腺癌患者不同术式两组术后并发症发生率比较[例(%)]
图1 85例门静脉受累胰腺癌患者不同术式治疗前后两组生活质量评分比较
表5 85例门静脉受累胰腺癌患者不同术式两组患者生存率比较[例(%)]
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