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中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05) : 510 -512. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3946.2024.05.011


张腾花1, 尚培中2,(), 王晓梅1, 李晓武2, 王金2, 苗建军2, 刘冰2   
  1. 1. 075000 河北 张家口,陆军第八十一集团军医院重症医学科
    2. 075000 河北 张家口,陆军第八十一集团军医院普通外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-08 出版日期:2024-10-26
  • 通信作者: 尚培中

Three-step stratified treatment strategy for traumatic splenic rupture

Tenghua Zhang1, Peizhong Shang2,(), Xiaomei Wang1, Xiaowu Li2, Jin Wang2, Jianjun Miao2, Bing Liu2   

  1. 1. Department of Critical Care Medicine, the 81st Group Army Hospital of PLA, Zhangjiakou Hebei Province 075000, China
    2. Department of General Surgery, the 81st Group Army Hospital of PLA, Zhangjiakou Hebei Province 075000, China
  • Received:2023-11-08 Published:2024-10-26
  • Corresponding author: Peizhong Shang
  • Supported by:
    Zhangjiakou?City?Key R & D Project for Hygiene, Health and Biomedicine(2322142D)

张腾花, 尚培中, 王晓梅, 李晓武, 王金, 苗建军, 刘冰. 外伤性脾破裂三阶梯分层治疗策略[J]. 中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(05): 510-512.

Tenghua Zhang, Peizhong Shang, Xiaomei Wang, Xiaowu Li, Jin Wang, Jianjun Miao, Bing Liu. Three-step stratified treatment strategy for traumatic splenic rupture[J]. Chinese Journal of Operative Procedures of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(05): 510-512.




回顾分析2013年7月至2022年9月107例非手术治疗和182例手术治疗的TSR患者临床资料,分析非手术、腹腔镜手术和开腹手术三种方法的治疗效果。应用SPSS 22.0处理数据,非正态计量资料采用[MQ1Q3)]表示,进行Wilcoxon秩和检验;计数资料采用[例(%)]表示,进行χ2Fisher确切概率法检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。






To explore the clinical significance of three-step stratified treatment strategy for traumatic splenic rupture (TSR) in improving the non-invasive and minimally invasive cure rate.


The clinical data of 107 patients with TSR treated non-surgically and 182 patients with TSR treated surgically from July 2013 to September 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, and the therapeutic effects of non-surgical, laparoscopic and open surgery were analyzed. SPSS 22.0 was used to process the data, and the non-normal measurement data were represented by [MQ1Q3)], and Wilcoxon Rank Sum test was performed. The count data is represented by [cases (%)] and tested by χ2 or Fisher exact probability method. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Young TSR patients have strong stress ability to tolerate non-surgical treatment and recover quickly after surgery. Other injuries have more opportunities for non-surgical treatment, and other causes of injury cannot be used as a basis for choosing treatment. The severity of injury is a key factor in determining non-surgical treatment or surgical treatment. In 107 cases, 103 cases recovered successfully and the rate of excellent cure (no complications) was 96.3%. Twenty-six cases were treated with two-step laparoscopic surgery (including 2 cases in the non-surgical treatment group who underwent laparoscopic splenectomy for delayed splenic rupture and hemorrhage). 24 cases successfully completed the operation, the success rate was 92.3%, 22 cases successfully recovered, and the excellent cure rate was 91.7%. 160 cases were treated with three-step laparotomy (including 2 cases converted to laparotomy by laparoscopy), 145 cases recovered successfully, and the excellent cure rate was 90.6%.


Multi-slice spiral CT is the first choice for the diagnosis of TSR. The selection of three-step stratification treatment based on hemodynamics, AAST-OIS grading, whether there are other organ injuries, etc., is conducive to reducing surgical trauma and complications, and improving the non-invasive and minimally invasive cure rate.

表1 两组患者临床相关指标比较
表2 两组患者钝性闭合伤致伤原因比较[例(%)]
表3 外伤性脾破裂三阶梯治疗效果比较[例(%)]
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